September 23, 2018

Have you ever tried this Korean Lip Cream called Romand Lip Driver before? To be honest, I didn't even know its existence before I got to try it.

I want to give this product a try because this Romand Lip Driver's packaging fascinates me. The packaging for both the outside and the inside (the lip cream itself) is very pretty and suits the product's name. The packaging gives me the impression on racing cars, you know, the lines of racing car that are drawn on the packaging.

The insides too! The packaging of the lip cream is very very simple, but still pretty. I love simple packaging that can still give me some impression. It has got a tube kind of lip cream packaging, then it has a full body color with dove finishing, so you can't exactly see the liquid inside.

This time, I try the shade number 04. It's called Don't Stop. And I love how the line says "Don't Stop on Your Lips". It attracts me even more!

This Romand Lip Driver also has a nice applicator, just like any other lip cream. The applicator bends a little bit so it's easier to apply the lip cream on your lips.

It also has a nice scent. I don't think they have a perfume-y scent, or any other extract for the scent. But the scent is decent, I don't think they put anything for the scent purpose, but I do think they have or use something to minimize the chemical scent. This product has no chemical scent at all!

Now, jump into the color! I know you have been dying to know about the color and its result.

For the color, I have to say that I'm quite disappointed. I thought that the color will be nude kind of color, just like what I saw on the picture. But it's nothing like that! It has a kind of pink orange-y color with a bright neon-y feel! It's like I use a very bright orange lip cream over my lips. Okay, I must said that I'm disappointed. end of discussion about the color.

For the pigmentation, it's very good. I'm amazed at its ability. I only apply it for few dots, but the color comes to live immediately. Then also, the applicator contains a quite amount of lip cream, so you don't have to dip the applicator multiple times.

The longevity of Romand Lip Driver is also quite good. It's a matte lip cream, so you don't need to mind much about the longevity. But still, I recommend you to give it a touch up after you eat. Like I said before, this lip product has a neon-y finish, so you can notice it immediately if the color begins to fade.

That's the review I can give you~ If you like this type of lip cream, then I can say that I recommend this product for you. Because actually the longevity and the pigmentation is very good, really. I just don't like the color.

If you want to buy this product, try to check it on my Charis Shop. You can buy it with a cheaper price, and I can also guarantee you that all the products from Charis are 100% ORIGINAL and come directly from Korea! It doesn't take look until it arrives safely in front of your door. It only takes for about 4 days to Indonesia. So what are you waiting for? Go check it on my Charis Shop! I'll see you there~


See you in the next post,



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  1. Hahaha the name is funny "don't stop" from Lipdriver. Very creative. I like the color, very pretty. That color looks very good on you.

    Ig : @fitrianarindu

  2. Iyaa kak itu warna nya dibibir keliatan lebih light gitu, sedangkan swatch di tangan lebih dark dan nuansa nude color nya dapet bgt gt padahal.. Hmm


  3. Cantik banget warnanya jd pengen nyobain

    Ig @vieddha

  4. woww.. warnanya bagus banget kakkk!! racun baru bgt iniii

    ig : @shellanoviyanti

  5. Geli sih pertama baca nama lip product nya unique. Tapi semakin kesini pada review jg, abis sis review komplit bgt, fix aku mau beli😍😆

  6. Penasaran banget banget sama ini. Udah banyak racunnya 😢

  7. aku udah nyobain ini, yang flat out dan reverev, btw ini yang dont stop bagus juga warnanya ya llen <3

  8. Yang Dont Stop ini cantik warnanya ya len💞

  9. Di lip km kok bagus banget warnanya di aku keliatan merah gitu🙈

  10. Len, klo ketemu bawa doong biar aku bs swatch hihii

  11. Ini pigmented bgt, tapi warnanya jadi agak neon di aku 😂

  12. Cakepp warnanya.. kesukaanku banget nih. Tapi harganya lumayan jg ya 😅😅

  13. Koq warna nya cakep banget sih .
    Suka dah

  14. Iya beda yah swatch di tangan sama yg di bibir. Di bibir lebih nudey

  15. Tekstur nya buat aku jatuh cinta nih. .Nagus kayaknya..

  16. Salfok sama majalahnya Beb pengen baca, bagus ya dibibir kamu 😍

  17. Dikulit cewek Indonesia oke banget ya, apalagi buay daily .
    Cuma agak beda ya yg warna swatch dan warna di bibir. Apa warna kulit kamu juga pengaruh kali ya.

  18. Suka banget sama lip driver ini looooh


It's gettin' high!

